Cristina Șuteu


27 November 2023Utilizarea inteligenței artificiale în publicarea academică [Using Artificial Inteligence in Academic Publishing],online workshop within the project CNFIS-FDI-2023-F-0007 carried out at “Gheorghe Dima” National Music Academy, Director: associate prof. Diana Sârb.
22 September 2023Enescu’s Musical Perception: His Childhood between Introspection and Retrospection within “International Musicological Symposium” of the “George Enescu” International Festival hold at National University of Music, Bucharest
17 May 2023

Rewrite with Insight: Visibility in Scholarly Publishing within “Sigismund Toduță” International Simposium of Musicology, 6th edition entitled: “Recalling the Stage – Rewriting the music”, organized by the “Gheorghe Dima” National Music Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


31 March 2023In memoriam Viorel Cosma (1923-2017) within the scientific event: “Viorel Cosma 100” at National University of Music, Bucharest in partnership with The Union of Composers and Musicologists from Romania and “George Enescu” Museum.
08 December 2022Articolul științific: de la manuscris la indexare în baze date [Scientific Article: from manuscript to the indexing in the databases] within the project “Muzica în Universitate: Strategii pentru Îmbunătăţirea Calităţii - 2022 (MUSIC) [Music in University: Strategies for Quality Improvement] financed by Fondul Internațional de Dezvoltare [International Funds for Development] (CNFIS-FDI-2022-0469); Project Director: Associate professor: Diana Sârb
27 October 2022

Censorship of Music and Music of Censorship: The Muzica periodical between 1950-1989 within the International Musicological Conference: THE CONTROL OF MUSIC. Effects and consequences of the institution of censorship on music culture and education in Europe (late 19th century-1990s)” organized by National University of Music, Bucharest.



24 August 2022

Musical Border Crossings Documented in the Journal Muzica (Bucharest, 1908–25)

within RIPM session at the International Musicological Society, Athens, 22-26 August 2022



20 May 2022

Assessment of Originality in Academic Research

at the “Sigismund Toduță” International Symposim of Musicology, 5th edition, with the theme: “Originality, Paraphrase, Pastiche”, 20 May 2022, within the “Gheorghe Dima” National Music Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Online Scientific Event.

23 November 2019

Symbolic Valences in the Enescian Musical Language

within International Musicology Symposium entitled “The reception and research of the musical phenomenon today” organized by “George Enescu” National Arts University, Iași, Romania.

18 July 2019

RISM as a Research Portal for Musicology in Romania

within IAML Congress, Krakow, Poland

2019-krakow &


07 June 2019

The (un)wanted musician Erich Bergel

within “Jean Monnet” International Conference: A Call for Tolerance in EU, Oradea

04 April 2019

Musical Criticism in the Digital Era

within the Conference “Art and Education”, at National Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima”, Cluj-Napoca

23 November 2018

Dimitrie Cantemir and the Origins of Romanian Music

within the Conference “Dimitrie Cantemir – Personality of European Culture”(Ist Edition), organized by European Studies Faculty, at Babeș Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

22 October 2018

Chameleonic Faces Hidden in Music Criticism: The Case of “Muzica” Journal During Communism

within the International Conference “Cultural change and music criticism”, Vilnius, Lithuania


25 May 2018

Hermeneutical Paradigms in Music-Text Relation of “Passions and Resurrection of the Christ” Oratorio by Paul Constantinescu

within National Symposium, Iași,




11 May 2018

“Impressions of childhood” by George Enescu: Semantic Encodings and Decodings

within the International Congress of Musical Signification (XIXth edition) with the topic: Music as Cultural Heritage and Novelty, at National Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima”, Cluj-Napoca


30 April 2017

The Music Critic Between Role and Responsibilities

within the International Conference “From Ancient to Modern” at Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Vienna

19 October 2016

Musical Criticism from Romania (1916-1950): A Cultural or Political Instrument?

within the International Conference “Music Criticism 1900-1950” at Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain


17 May 2016

The “Muzica” Journal (1916-2016). Socio-Political Aspects in Musical Criticism

within the International Conference organized by the “Sigismund Toduţă” International Festival within National Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima”, Cluj-Napoca

26 November 2015

Dinu Lipatti: Musical Critic

within the International Musicology Symposium “Dinu Lipatti – Plurivalent Personality of Romanian and International Music”, at National University of Music, Bucharest

20 August 2015

Béla Bartók and “Romanian Folk Dances”

within “ISA Science”, International Summer Academy, International conference organized by Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Vienna, Austria.

30 May 2015

Hermeneutics of Time in Musical Criticism

within “Music and Philosophy” National Conference, at National Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima”, Cluj-Napoca.

16 May 2015

The “Muzica” Journal in Contextus: C-E-P-T factors

within “Sigismund Toduţă” International conference within International Festival, at the National Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima”, Cluj-Napoca

18 May 2013

Coordinates of Value in Musical Criticism

within the “Sigismund Toduţă” International conference within International Festival, at National Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima”, Cluj-Napoca.