Cristina Șuteu


 2012 – 2015

PhD Degree in Musicology

National Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima”, Cluj-Napoca

·  Coordinator: Prof. dr. Gabriel Banciu

·  Ranking: the highest mark (10) according to the Romanian evaluation system, at the doctoral admission exam

·  The highest graduate distinction: Summa cum laude.

·  Doctoral thesis title: Periegeză, exegeză și hermeneutică în critica muzicală [Periegesis, Exegesis and Hermeneutics in Musical Criticism].

October 2014 January 2015

PhD Erasmus Student

Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Vienna,

·  Musikwissenschaft course with prof. dr. Cornelia Szabó-Knotik;

·  Musikkritik: Theorie und Praxis course with prof. dr. Fritz Trümpi.

October 2009

July 2011

Master Degree in Musicology

National Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima”, Cluj-Napoca

·   Coordinator Prof. dr. Gabriel Banciu

·   Thesis title: Ansamblul de percuție “Gheorghe Dima”: istoric și palmares [The “Gheorghe Dima” percussion ensemble: history and track records].

·   Ranking: the highest mark (10) according to the Romanian evaluation system.

2005 – 2009

Bachelor Degree in Musicology

National Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima”, Cluj-Napoca

·  Coordinator Prof. dr. Gabriel Banciu

·  Thesis title: Critica muzicală între teorie și realitate [Musical criticism between theory and reality]

·  Ranking: the highest mark (10) according to the Romanian evaluation system.

2001 – 2005

Music College “Sigismund Toduță” Cluj-Napoca.

·   Violin as major instrument: Simionca Virgil, Liliana Făgărășan

·   Piano as secondary instrument: Feri Gloriana, Claudia Nagy