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Cristina Șuteu is a musicologist and Lecturer in the Musicology Department of the “Gheorghe Dima” National Academy of Music in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
She graduated in Musicology at the aboved mentioned institution with a Bachelor thesis (2009), Master thesis (2011) and Doctorate on musical criticism (2015) under supervision of Prof. Gabriel Banciu.
The publishing activity includes more than 60 titles including books, articles, chapters, book reviews, interviews, music review, CD reviews, programme notes.

She was awarded with the Prize of Excellence for Musicology Studies by the Muzica periodical within The Union of Composers and Musicologists from Romania (2019) and with the Cluj Book and Press Prize (2018) by the “Octavian Goga” County Library for the book Periegeză, exegeză și hermeneutică în critica muzicală [Periegesis, Exegesis and Hermeneutics in Musical Criticism] published at Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca in 2016. Other books are: In honorem Cornel Țăranu (MediaMusica, Cluj-Napoca 2020), Revista Muzica 1908-1925: Monografie și Index bibliografic [Muzica Periodical: Monograph and Bibliographic Index] (MediaMusica, Cluj-Napoca, 2021).
Cristina Șuteu edited the Enescian Florilegium (Pim, 2017) of the renowned Romanian musicologist and lexicographer Viorel Cosma and the three volumes of the Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium within “Gheorghe Dima” National Academy of Music in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (organized in 2018, 2019, 2020).
Along time she carried out more than 30 research visits at libraries in the Canada, USA, Poland, France, Spain, Austria, Italy, England, Australia. In 2019 was a visiting scholar at Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) in New York and at Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM) in Baltimore.
Cristina Șuteu hold lectures and conferences within universities from Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Austria, Spain and the research interests focuses spin around musical life reflected in Romanian musical periodicals, reception of music through musical criticism within socio-political context, music at the crossroads with culture, media and society, Methods of research in musicology, research impact and evaluation metrics.