2019 | Prize of Excellence for Musicological Studies for series of historiographical studies entitled “Revista Muzica la ceas aniversar” [Muzica magazine at the anniversary hour] awarded by Irinel Anghel, editor in chief of Muzica within the Union of Romanian Composers and Musicologists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtCuj-zAeTY |
2018 | Prize for Musicology Book awarded in 2018 within „Cluj editorial year 2016: Cluj Book and Press”, 11th edition, under the auspices of County Library “Octavian Goga” for the book published in 2016 at Risoprint Publishing House: Periegesis, Exegesis and Hermeneutics in Musical Criticism http://www.radiocluj.ro/2018/02/01/premiile-celei-de-a-xi-a-editii-a-anului-editorial-clujean/ |